DS Newsletter

June 1, 2023 SNAD DS NEWSLETTER Volume 1  Issue 3

John 14:25
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give to you.
Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”

This letter has been a long time in coming to you.  Thank you for your patience.  Much has transpired. Even outside of “the pandemic,” I am sure we have all experienced and are experiencing many changes with many more to come. Since last June, I have been to the Northern, Eastern, and Southern Zone Rallies and seen, spoke, and fellowshipped with many of you. I look forward to meeting with the Central Zone Rally before the end of the year.  I have been privileged to speak and sing in many of our churches and gatherings and have heard and seen God leading and using you.

I have been to San Diego twice for PalCon (Pastors and Leaders Conference) Committee meetings, ELEVATE Youth Gathering, and District Superintendent Peer Meetings.  I was in Kansas City twice also for DS trainings and meetings.  Other activities have involved: hospital/other institution visits, Memorial Service, Graduation Celebration, Family Camp, phone calls, DAB (District Advisory Board) meetings, financial meetings, Christmas gathering, Pastoral Installation, Camp meeting, Mid-Year Convention, receiving of visitors from the Nazarene Church Pensions & Benefits in my home, more DS trainings and mentorships, speaking at NACA (Native American Christian Academy) graduation, speaking in public schools about Native America, SNAD NYI Fundraiser & Tournament, cultivating relationships within and outside of SNAD, and participating in work teams/projects.  Surely, I have forgotten something, but I tell you these things not to say how busy I am but to remind you (and me!) that God is at work within and outside of SNAD. 

Many of these activities or those like them are not unfamiliar to me and have been part of my life for a long time. We are part of something much bigger than even the Southwest Native American District Church of the Nazarene and I know that God wants to continue to grow and use us all in even more ways.  I continue to work 40 hours a week as a jail chaplain with Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.  My time with SNAD is labeled and paid as “part time” but there is no “part time” work in God’s Kingdom---I surrendered my all to God a long time ago and will keep my “all” with Him.  But what I am and what I do I dare not do alone.  God continues to build His leadership team within SNAD and the support you have given to me is so valued and appreciated.

The three leaders of our departments are working hard and leading us well. Our secretary/treasurer is learning with me, too, and continues to offer much valuable experience and help. The DAB is wise, strong, and creative.  My wife, Eileen, is also part of the team so sometimes you have heard from me through her. If you want to get in touch with me, it is best to contact her first as I may be in jail (working)! We have been married and in ministry together for nearly 42 years and she participates wholeheartedly with me. God has called us both separately and together.  In addition, we have a personal prayer team with whom we exchange praise and prayer items. As you may remember, Eileen and I were the SNAD Marriage and Family Enrichment Directors and we continue to have a passion for strengthening marriages and family life as we endeavor to practice what we preach.

Since October Eileen has had two total knee replacements. God has done a beautiful healing in her life. She continues to work part time as a nurse and manages our home well. However, we still believe that IT IS JUST AS HOLY TO REST WHEN YOU’RE TIRED AS IT IS TO PREACH WHEN YOU’RE INSPIRED!  With that being said, we continue to plan dates and times out with each other and our family and friends.  We are blessed to have our adult children and grandchildren live very close by.  They are also of great support and help and we try to be the same for all of them. 

As announced at Mid-year Convention last January, we now have a SNAD website!  

Please check it out when you are able at snadcotn.org

You will find upcoming events, DS Newsletters, leadership contact information, church names, and other resources.  Even information about church budgets and where monies are to be sent is included as well as the SNAD Scholarship Application for ministerial students. Eileen will do her best to keep the SNAD website updated. If you have any items you would like to add for upcoming events, submit them to me via e-mail or text (contact information listed above). Do not hesitate to follow up to ensure that the information was received.  In fact, I recommend it!

This website will be a continual growing piece of vital communication for SNAD. There is not an official SNAD Facebook or any other social media at this time.

Two big events are coming very soon!  They are:

1) General Assembly in Indianapolis, IN 
June 9-16, 2023.
Please pray for Dr. Carla Sunberg, General Superintendent, who will be leading this event. She will also be leading our District Assembly on Saturday, July 1.

2) District Assembly (DA) at Phoenix First Church of the Nazarene (19201 N. 7th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ  85027)
Thursday, June 29 (beginning at 5:30 p.m. with the NDI Convention) to Saturday, July 1, 2023
Dr. Carla Sunberg will be the presiding General Superintendent.  This will be Dr. Sunberg’s last DA with us. Please keep her in prayer as she leads us and moves on to a new regional area of service with our worldwide churches.

The agenda will soon be published on the SNAD website. I hope to see many more of you attend this year! Pastors, please send your yearly report to Marilyn Van Yazzie now. 

At District Assembly Pastors will not be presenting their submitted reports but will be telling us how it was that they received the Call of God to  ministry. Other church reports are due now as well.  Please contact Marilyn with any questions about the reports.

Please know that you are treasured and prayed for.

Keep on in Jesus!! We are STILL in this together!

Sincerely in Christ,

Rev. Michael J. Andrews, DS

(District Superintendent/Servant)

P.S.  Please forward this SNAD DS NEWSLETTER to anyone that would want to receive it and send their e-mails to me to be included in the mailing next time. Also be free to make copies as you see the need.


DS Newsletter


DS Newsletter