DS Newsletter

  August 13, 2023                   SNAD DS NEWSLETTER            Volume 2 Issue 1

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.”  Ephesians 3:20-21.

Well, He did it again!  God saw us through another church year and Provided and Led us all the way  

Praise Him!!!

Although our District Church Year ended April 30, many of us still had much to do afterwards—reports to be submitted, plans to complete, LOTS of travel, etc. 

Please keep reading for some exciting reporting and business of which you were and are a part!

I was privileged to be part of the PALCON (Pastors and Leaders Convention) Planning Committee at Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU) in San Diego last May. More planning/meetings are taking place. PALCON will occur next summer—more information on that is forthcoming and I am hoping many of our leadership families can take part next summer in San Diego.  It will be a family event!

I have officially completed my year of District Superintendent mentorship with Rev. Dr. Doug Pierce (Southern Nevada/Arizona District Superintendent.)  This is Dr. Pierce’s last year as DS and will be retiring next spring. Let us pray as a new DS will be chosen at that time. I have learned so much from my mentor and look forward to future fellowship with him and his wife, Becky. I am grateful for the wisdom of our General Nazarene Church in appointing Dr. and Mrs. Pierce to Eileen and me. We still have LOTS to learn!

Elevate (always Memorial Day Weekend) at PLNU was very well attended from across our Southwest United States Nazarene Region which includes SNAD. Eileen and I had a great time! I even wound up on a dodgeball team and was quickly “dodged out!” 😊 Elevate is not only a sports event, it is primarily an awesome spiritual event with godly speakers and huddle groups and other fun activities helping our youth discover God’s Call on their lives. Yes, the sport part was fun (one of our SNAD girls’ basketball teams took first place—Congratulations!), but in addition to the great competitive and recreational sporting events (i.e. volleyball, ping pong, basketball), there were also other fun events in which many youth chose to be a part such as art (painting, drawing), hula hoop, youth preaching, music, talent show, creative writing).  And let us not forget the delicious food and fellowship!!  I look forward to seeing a wider representation from SNAD next year and I hope to be in attendance, too!    

A SNAD delegation went to the quadrennial (every four year-- but this time it was 6 years) General Assembly (June 9-16) that was held in Indianapolis, IN. General Assembly is not just for the “old folks” but for everyone from child to “old folks” and there are activities and teaching for all as well.  We had two participants in the World Quizzing Event, delegates and participants in the NDI, NMI, and NYI Conventions, and two delegates for the General Assembly who helped to vote in two new General Superintendents for the International Church of the Nazarene!!  

We had the SNAD District Assembly (June 29-July 1).  Instead of having Singspiration as the first service on Thursday evening, we started right away with our NDI local convention.  Rev. June Stillings again led us well.  I was so blessed to see the amount of people show up and participate in that first night of the SNAD District Assembly!  Praise the Lord!!!! I am so proud of you!  Unless God tells us otherwise, this will be June’s last year as NDI President/Chairperson (and she will have completed 40+ years in this role—I suspect this is the longest of anyone in a single role in our district!)  To whom is God speaking to take June’s place at the next SNAD District Assembly?  Please pray!  One of our new General Superintendents, Rev. Dr. Christian Sarmiento, will be our General Superintendent attending and presiding at SNAD’s District Assembly next year.  Here is a link to an article you may want to read:    https://nazarene.org/article/christian-sarmiento-elected-45th-general-superintendent

Then on Friday we had the NMI (led for the first time by Mrs. Martina Garcia) and the NYI (also for the first time led by Mrs. Danielle Nez). Martina and Danielle also did superb jobs and both conventions were well attended. Friday evening was incredibly special as we had missionary John Moore (he and his family have served in more places than I can remember now) who gave a compelling message with lots of valuable information.  Our call from God is clear—“GO!”  Where?  Is the place or are the people to where or who we go really the most important question?  I believe it is our obedience to the Call—wherever and to whoever that may be. We have already received the GREATEST NEWS EVER—whole salvation through Jesus Christ!!!!  Now it is our turn!!!  And how wonderfully surprised I was to see that the missionary offering from SNAD surpassed $1000.00 in a matter of minutes!  The service ended with a beautiful rededication of lives from both ministers and laity for God’s service where almost 100 persons came forward.  One of those people who came forward was Rev. Mrs. Helena Tsingine.  She even stood in place for Mrs. Margie Tso (who was not able to attend this year)  during our special time of prayer and anointing. Little did we know that both of these saints would go home to be with the Lord the next morning. I know what they would tell us to…. “GO!”   We honor Helena and Margie (and many others) and are grateful for the legacies in the Lord that they left us.  

Finally, on Saturday, I helped to lead, as your DS (District Superintendent/Servant), my first SNAD District Assembly with Rev. Dr. Carla Sunberg  (General Superintendent) presiding. It was also Dr. Sunberg’s birthday and our district presented her with some lovely heart-felt thank you and birthday gifts. Dr. Sunberg has been so supportive and helpful. Please keep praying for her and her family and responsibilities.  Thank you for your very generous love offering you gave to Eileen and me.  We were not looking for or expecting that.  I will tell you it will be well spent on our vacation this fall! I have attached to this e-mail a copy of my first Annual DS Report for you.   

Thank you to everyone who prayed, supported, participated in the meetings, preparations, long nights of planning, discerning, copying papers, making phone calls, travel, and other services and in a number of other not mentioned ways.  And let us not forget our FREE YARD SALE that took place---that was fun, too!  All leftover  items were delivered to the Salvation Army Thrift Store.  I am also grateful for our godly, silent, ninja-type servants that came to help from North Mountain Church of the Nazarene. Keep looking for them and get to know them---they have SNAD T-shirts now! 

Please note and put in your calendars:

The next SNAD MID-YEAR CONVENTION will be January 25-27, 2024, at Phoenix First Church of the Nazarene.

The last huge event of the summer was NYC (Nazarene Youth Convention) in Tampa Bay, FL.  SNAD had 18 youth and four leaders in attendance.  The theme was OVERFLOW.  Here is a link to help you “see” what took place.      https://www.nazarene.org/article/overflow-students-challenged-live-gods-power-nyc-2023      

Thank you for  praying and giving.  The next NYC event will be in the summer of 2027---that is only 3 years away and will be in Salt Lake City, UT.  I encourage you to see how you might help, support, and even go to volunteer at this event.  Yes, it is costly, but starting to save a little every month beginning NOW will avoid the last-minute financial hassles. Encourage the youth to work hard and trust God along with you!

Now, on to a little business.

1. Zone Rallies. Please remember, I am recommending only 1 or 2 Zone Rallies a year.  Of course, you are welcome to have more but it is not being recommended due to time and financial constraints. I honor the other times may get together (i.e., Christmas, Mid-Year, District Assembly, Pastor Appreciation).

  1. Southern Zone Rally at Somerton/Cocopah Church of the Nazarene--October 6-7, 2023.

  2. Northern Zone Rally at Cameron Church of the Nazarene--October 7, 2023.

  3. Eastern Zone Rally at New Life Church of the Nazarene—October 7, 2023.

  4. Central Zone Rally---pending.

2. Ministerial Studies.  I have been working and consulting on finishing the final details for the changes in the SNAD program. We are a bit ahead of the changes that will be made by the General Nazarene Church regarding ordination studies. Our new Ministerial Studies Liaison will be Rev. Carla Durby.  She is very experienced in leading those called in to ministry in the Church of the Nazarene to complete their studies and the students will have a direct line to her.  She is an excellent communicator and relationship person.  It was a definite “God Moment” how all this came together.  Apart from the few students that are VERY CLOSE to completing their ordination studies, beginning January 1, 2024, beginning and continuing  ministerial students with the local SNAD course of study will be doing so online and will need a computer and  internet connection. Thank you to Rev. Dr. John Nells and Rev. Jonathan Nells for their time and service in having started and serving our current ministerial students in this program.  And I want to remind you that we have at least two other ministerial students that are attending college and working toward ordination—Lisa Hosteenez is online with Nazarene Bible College and Anthony Pino is in person with Southern Nazarene University.  

3. Kinlani & Sells Building Projects. Eileen and I have both met with the appropriate people for these projects. There is no estimated date of completion for either project. Please continue to pray and trust with us that God’s Will Be Done.  SNAD has never had leadership of these projects.  Both projects are personally owned by the churches.  But I encourage us, as SNAD, to continue to be supportive and help as God leads us. 

4. Please refer to the packets given to the Pastors after their 3 minutes of publicly reporting of How God Called Them to Ministry….there is some valuable information there. If your Pastor was not present to give their verbal report, I still have your church packet---just let me know and I will get it mailed immediately.

5. Revivals/Campmeetings/Tent Meetings/Retreats

  1. Pine Hill Church of the Nazarene is August 10-13. I just received word of this as this letter was about to be sent out and wanted to make sure you had it. 

  2. The Women’s Retreat is September 29- October 1 at Camp Pinerock in Prescott. Please see the attached flyer for registration information.

  3. Somerton/Cocopah Tent Revival October 12-15 with nightly meetings.

  4. The men’s Retreat is November 3-5 at Camp Pinerock in Prescott. Please see the attached flyer for registration information.

  5. Winter Retreat is November 10-12.

Of Course, there are many other things going on and, as with us all, this is only part of the much bigger picture.  I am very conscientious of my family life and ministry. If I do not have things in order at home the way God has taught and continues to teach me, I will not be an effective servant outside of my home. That does not mean that I do not have challenges, disappointments, or problems but God is still leading all the way.  Eileen and I are planning some time away as we celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary this fall (here is where your love offering comes in!).  I am also still working and ministering in the jails of Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and continue to make contacts and network for and with SNAD in many other areas. Eileen continues to serve as a school nurse and together we trust and work, along with you, in all that the Lord shows and gives us. 

Finally, I ask that you remember our brothers and sisters and those in Maui, Hawaii affected by the “devastating wildfires.”  I am so thankful to hear how many are coming to their aid and that our Nazarene Church there is serving and helping alongside others.

That is all for now.  I would like to close with a blessing over all the students, teachers, and staff who are returning to school. This was also the theme of OVERFLOW NYC last month.



Please know that you are treasured and prayed for.

Keep on in Jesus!! We are STILL in this together!

Sincerely in Christ,


Rev. Michael J. Andrews, DS
(District Superintendent/Servant)

P.S.  Please forward this SNAD DS NEWSLETTER to anyone that would want to receive it and send their e-mails to me to be included in the mailing next time. Also, be free to make copies of this letter as it would be of assistance to you and your church.  Thank you!


DS Newsletter


DS Newsletter