DS Newsletter

  September 11, 2022                    SNAD DS NEWSLETTER                          Volume 1  Issue 1

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Hebrews 13:8

Three months have passed since the Southwest Native American District Church of the Nazarene Annual Assembly and tomorrow marks two months since I officially started my responsibilities as your District Superintendent. I am truly humbled.  However, the transition was taking place before July 12 with training, phone calls, visiting, and, of course, Zoom Meetings. Not only am I working to learn the different aspects of SNAD leadership but also working to fulfill all my responsibilities and trainings with the International Church of the Nazarene (more travel, phone calls, meetings, trainings). And, like many pastors, I will continue to be what is called “bi-vocational” as I am still a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Jail Chaplain. I tell you all this to let you know we are all on a new and exciting path and remind us to STILL pray for and support each other with love, patience, and grace.  Things, circumstances, jobs, etc. change—today, 21 years ago, our nation experienced tremendous change and heartache and loss--but God does not change. And He is with us!

Some recent SNAD Highlights and matters for praise, prayer, and action include the following (I am certain there are many more but these are a few of which I am aware) :

** I encourage you to begin your Zone Rally Meetings and please let me know when they will be.  I will try to attend!   I already have plans to attend Zone Rally Meetings for the Southern Zone (September 16-17) at Needles Church and Eastern Zone (October 8) at New Life Church. As the Southern Zone Chairperson, I have been accustomed to having two Zone Rally Meetings during the year (Spring and Fall). We would again see each other during the annual SNAD meetings in January and June with a Christmas celebration time in December.  Please let me know what works for your Zone.

**We had a fun Faith & Family Night with our NYI and the Diamondbacks in Phoenix on Friday, August 19. Testimonies and a Christian Concert were appreciated and enjoyed after the baseball game. God STILL has His people in all aspects of life!

**Apache Avenue has been very busy in the process of selecting a new pastor. They are doing a great job in their proceedings .God is STILL Leading His People in the business of the Church!

**I stopped by Leupp Church to drop off my wife and daughter as Leupp Church (along with help and leadership from Restoration Church) hosted a Women’s Day event on July 23 and then off to Dilkon First Church for me that day for a meeting.  I heard firsthand what a blessed time was had at Women’s Day! God is STILL growing His Church!

**The Kinlani Family Camp in Flagstaff, AZ was again fabulous the end of July!!  Please come and join next year.  You may get in touch with Rev. Dennis Benale (928-814-3095) for more information.  It was a beautiful time—even if the preaching tent was taken out by wind Saturday night---God STILL had His Way in the Sunday AM service!

**Lehi Church had a Baptismal Service Sunday, August 28. I am sorry not to have been there but certain it was a blessing to all who witnessed this. God is STILL leading His people in this way of obedience!

**South Tucson Community Church has been celebrating Sunday VBS days this summer. VBS is STILL fun for all ages!

**Per their special invitation, Eileen and I had a great time of worship, fellowship, & food at South Tucson Community and Sells Churches. Inviting people into your homes and churches is STILL a great idea!

**I understand that there were many Campmeetings this summer with several of our SNAD Pastors STILL preaching and fulfilling God’s Call!

**Women’s Retreat at Camp Pinerock in Prescott, AZ is September 30-October 2. I have attached the registration form and weekend schedule to this e-mail for your convenience and use. Please pass this information on to as many women as you are able. God is STILL inviting all to know Him!

**October is Pastor Appreciation Month. If you would like some ideas, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.  I will be at the Cameron Church on October 30 in celebration of Pastor Appreciation. God is STILL using us to help provide for and encourage our Shepherds!

**Men’s Retreat is coming up soon (November 4-6)—cost is only $75!  I hope to see many of our guys there!!  Pastor JC Nells from Restoration Church will be leading the worship music and Pastor Ferlin Nells from Dilkon First Church will be sharing his testimony. Your District Superintendent will be giving the message on Sunday morning. I am attaching the Men’s Retreat flyer for your information and registration. The registration site is now “live”---I just registered! God is STILL growing and challenging us in His Ways!

** SNAD Youth Retreat is November 11-13 at Camp Pinerock in Prescott, AZ. Please contact Danielle Nez (719-367-6385) for information. I am so proud of our youth that have already committed to and started to work to raise funds for NYC (Nazarene Youth Convention) next July 2023 that is to be held in Florida. God is STILL calling and using our youth for and in His Service!

**NMI (Nazarene Missions International) & NDI (Nazarene Discipleship International) are STILL busy and hardworking in their departments and we will be hearing from them soon, too.  Please invite the SNAD Chairpersons from our three departments (NDI, NMI, and NYI) to attend your Zone Rallies.  Their contact information is noted above for you. If the chairperson cannot come, they may send someone in their place but please do extend the invitation and show our appreciation for their great leadership and work. They will have lots of encouragement and information to share with us as we will for them from each of our Zones!

Keep on in Jesus!! We are STILL in this together!

Sincerely in Christ,


Rev. Michael J. Andrews

P.S.  Please forward this SNAD DS NEWSLETTER to any that would want to receive it and their e-mails to me to be included in the mailing next time.


DS Newsletter